Contact Us
Please contact Catherine via phone 022 306 4865
or e-mail
or you can send a personal message through the
Healing Cube Solutions Facebook page.
or you can use the contact form on this website
or e-mail
or you can send a personal message through the
Healing Cube Solutions Facebook page.
or you can use the contact form on this website
Catherine Weston
E.F.T. & Access Bars® Practitioner
Channel for Sacred Sounds (EFT-ADV, MSc)
Mob 022 306 4865
FB: HealingcubesolutionsNZ
Movement, Sound, Connection, Healing and PeaceGroup Classes, Workshops & Retreats are also available
E.F.T. & Access Bars® Practitioner
Channel for Sacred Sounds (EFT-ADV, MSc)
Mob 022 306 4865
FB: HealingcubesolutionsNZ
Movement, Sound, Connection, Healing and PeaceGroup Classes, Workshops & Retreats are also available