Healing Sessions

Energy Medicine Sessions
Initial consultation $90 (1.5 hour duration)
Standard session $70 (1 hour duration)
A minimum of three sessions is recommended especially for long standing issues.I will guide you through a session using my intuition to determine the root cause of your issue; then direct you through each process/technique to clear or resolve the issue. Techniques available include: EFT, TAT, Access Bars®, Access Body Process- MTVSS. Energy Medicine sessions are gentle, & transformational.
Please phone 022 3064865 to book your session or for more information.

Sacred Sound Bath - 45min - $50 Sacred Sound sessions relax, re-balance and restore you - these sessions may include; tibetan singing bowls, voice and other instruments.
Please phone 022 3064865 to book your session or for more information.

Group Workshops and Retreats are also available.

Catherine Weston
E.F.T. & Access Bars® Practitioner,
Channel for Sacred Sounds (EFT-ADV, MSc)
Mob 022 306 4865

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